Story Eleven: ¿Cómo le explico . . . ?/ How Do I Explain . . . ?

Our sixteen-year-old narrator meditates on the beauty of her day-to-day life in her home country. Her story tells of the last moments she spends in Venezuela with her loving family and closest friends. When the time comes to board a plane to the United States, her two-year-old cousin won’t let go of her, crying and pleading to come with. She boards the plane feeling helpless that she can’t explain to him the profound reason for her departure. 


  • Did you ever have emotions that are difficult to explain to someone? What feelings are the most difficult to explain for you?
  • The writer took about 10 days to say goodbye to family and friends in Venezuela. How long would it take you to say goodbye to people in your life, if you thought you may never see them again?


  • Imagine that you are the writer in the story. On a blank sheet of paper, draw the goodbye scene at the airport.
  • Do you think the writer will see her mother and family again in the future? When? Where will they meet again?