Now It’s My Turn/ Teaching Brave Journeys as Literature

Join Hempstead High School teachers Jean Loup Hogu and Danielle Golub and Herstory workshop facilitator Helen Dorado Alessi as they share their life-changing experiences using Brave Journeys in their ENL classrooms.

Introduction and Y ahora es mi turno read by Paula Chirinos

Story 6: And Now It’s My Turn/ Y ahora es mi turno read by Paula Chirinos and introductions by Helen Dorado Alessi

Helping students pass the English regents

Working with newcomer students: connecting with stories to foster critical thinking

Getting started using Brave Journeys

How to use Brave Journeys in the classroom

How Herstory and Brave Journeys has changes our views on teaching

Conclusion and clips from the culminating event at Hempstead High School