Story Eight: Mi día más melancólico/ My Most Melancholic Day

A young boy describers his last conversation with his closest friends before he leaves to make the journey to the United States. He meditates on his family drama, telling readers that his friends are the only ones who know about his anticipated journey to the US.


Sometimes we know something that others cannot know and no matter how much we want to tell them, we  cannot. Did you ever have to keep a big secret from others? How does it feel to keep a secret from your friends and family? Share this experience with a classmate.


  • Do you think the writer was happy about reuniting and seeing his parents again? What makes you say that?
  • Imagine that the writer did tell everyone at school about his plans to leave and go to the United States. How would the class and the teachers react? Would they be jealous, would they make a party, would they give him advice? What do you think the “drama” would be if his trip to the United States was not a secret?Tell your classmate what the school day would be like if everyone knew this was the writer’s last day at school.