Story Nine: Tengo que seguir mi camino/ I Have to Continue My Journey

Throughout the story, the narrator is torn between wanting to stay with their family and to leave them behind on the journey to a better future in the United States. The narrator has a final home-cooked meal with their mother before starting on the difficult journey to the United States, thinking about her love and missing her voice the whole time. Despite the longing, the narrator knows they must continue their journey. 

There is one line in this story:
“Life is like that, you cry and you laugh.”

Do you agree with this statement about life? What does it mean to you? Can you think of a time you were both happy and sad at the same time? Share with a classmate or your teacher.


It is difficult to make a big decision that will impact your life. Some people make lists of Positives and Negatives to carefully make a decision. Others create a Venn Diagram to compare the two options (choices).  Complete a Venn Diagram, as the sample shows with the writer’s circumstances.  The title of the Venn Diagram is: Writer’s Choice.  In the left circle, list all the things that would happen if the writer stayed in El Salvador. List how his life would be including friends, family, food, school, etc…
In the right circle, list all the things that would happen if the writer goes to the United States (as the story goes). Since you don’t know because the writer does not tell us, imagine what you think life would be like after he arrives.  In the center, list all the things that would be the same, if the writer chooses to stay or to leave.